Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween 2010 (and a few other pics)

Just a quick pic before we headed out for a movie one weekend! I was wearing heals so that's why I am like as tall as Marco! I know it has been forever since I've blogged so I'm slowly catching up. I need to start taking more pictures so that is my new goal! Marcus switched his Graduate school to PA now so we are way excited about that! I know he will do great! And not too much else has really changed except I cannot believe that it will be November tomorrow! But am excited for this month because this month my little brother Ty will hit his year mark for his mission! Way to go Bud!!! Keep up all your hard work!
Here are a couple of pics of some of the stuff that's been going on in our lives...enjoy!
Me and Carson....This was the first time I had met my SO handsome nephew Carson! and we got to play more throughout the week, love him to pieces! Such a cute boy!
My parents took us all to Lagoon for the second time when Kaitlyn and Trevor came to visit at the end of September and we had a blast! So good to spend time with everyone!

Marcus tryin' his luck at the basketball game...he missed(i think that is the ball falling off to the side, But good try Hun!)
Lagoon.. The turn of the Century ride!...Marcus laughs all throughout this ride ha I love going to Lagoon with him, he makes it about 10 times funner than it really is!
Another pic at lagoon just following the "Mixer" ride as we call it! Hence our crazy hair:) This is another one of our favorite rides...and Marcus won't stop laughing all through this ride either:) so funny!
Marcus concentrating so hard trying to carve his Boise State Mascot into the pumpkin...he gave up after about an hour ha! But really good effort Love!
Brook and Betty in their 60's...or 50's... or 40's get-up! ha I'm not sure what century this is from! But they were awesome costumes!
Kelly and Gary were the Tooth Fairy and Tooth! thought this was so clever...Made me laugh!
Erin and Jon...ha the two HICKS! So Hot!!!
Halloween treats...yum!
Kind of a scary pic but I thought he really did look like a pirate:)
Marcus Decided to be Captain Jack Sparrow this year and I borrowed my Mothers Hillbilly costume that she made for Sadie Hawkins back in high school!
Boston, Preston and Rylee playing Angry Birds on Marco's phone early Sunday morning!


Mallory Hanna said...

Great costumes Maria! You two are so cute. Love the pictures.

Shayla Finlinson said...

you guys looked great for Halloween.. I can't believe how much Marcus actually looks like a pirate.. so fun.. thanks for posting I love checking your blog.

Aysia Webb said...

You guys look so cutE!